This is Yasushi 'Sey' Nakajima's homepage.

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My software
- Pogo
Pogo is a Perl5 interface of the object oriented database GOODS. Pogo maps
Perl's scalars, arrays, hashes and objects directly to the database objects.
Pogo uses Perl's tie mechanism and provide transparent accessibility to the
database. GOODS is a free software made by Konstantin Knizhnik.
- Safe::Hole
Safe::Hole is a Perl5 module that makes Safe module more useful. With Safe::Hole,
you can execute an outside subroutine in the original main compartment from
the Safe compartment. Then, you can use complex objects in the Safe compartment.
- ExportAbove
ExportAbove is a Perl5 module that helps to use Exporter. You can write 'use
ExportAbove;' below the variable or subroutine definitions you want to export
instead of writing '@EXPORT = qw(...);'. You do not have to write same name
twice at '@EXPORT = qw(...);' and its definition.
- Private
Private makes some variables or subroutines private in a module. This is experimental.
- Perl5 CPAN Module List
A brochure style PDF of CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) module list downloaded from and made with my PDFJ module.
Contact me